The uncensored version. The tell all book, The Virus, was originally released in April 2020 as, The Vir, due to censorship restrictions by Dr. Fauci and the Biden Administration on references to the deadly COVID Virus and use of the word Virus both the title and content were modified in Amazon Books. But this uncensored version was written in 2020 and thanks to the Trump administrationit is now allowed to be read in its original form…
Wuhan China – An experiment gone awry or an targeted weaponization of the released deadly virus on the inhabitants of Wuhan China? Two test subjects injected with the modified Sars 2 virus were released from the Wuhan University Hospital with no symptoms 10 days following the introduction of this virus into their bodies. Three days later both subjects returned to the Wuhan University Hospital (a Duke University Affiliate) symptomatic.
Funded by the Gates Fondation, the Duke University Science Center and hospital are among the intrested parties, An immediate cover-up by Chinese officials allowed the virus to spread worldwide. Government officials around the world, realizing the impact of such a release, mapped out their response. To date 3 of the referenced viles of the original virus are still unaccounted for, …Read the full story in THE VIRUS
If crisis is a means to achieve their political ends — and it is; just think of their famous “never let a crisis go to waste” playbook — then imagine what coronavirus means to the Globalists. What a dizzying opportunity for them to achieve massive goals. This is new world order time — one world order time, in the teachings of the Bible believers. Not only is America’s economy crashing. Not only have the world’s producers come to a grinding halt. But citizens are in fear. They don’t know who or what to believe. They’re hunkering in homes, at government’s order. Police are in the streets, enforcing quarantines.Churches have closed their doors — some of ‘em, because they face the threat of fines and court action if they don’t.How did we come to this crossroad? Accept the depletion of liberties, or conform.The author, a formidable intelligence officer gives insight to what has happened and the direction in which the Globalists wish to achieve.The majority of citizens are so scared of catching cold that they do not even think to question either the dangers or the draconian measures. If the populace is so compliant now, will they notice if rights and freedoms are not fully restored, or object if lock downs become common practice? Perhaps the most concerning, the cleverest, aspect of the epidemic is that it provides an excuse to shut down important avenues of dissent. The corporate media is, of course, on side anyway, but parliaments have been prorogued, public meetings are banned, leafleting is hardly likely to be tolerated. Anyone who tries to organize a public protest is likely to be detained. Economies have suffered greatly. The small business model is practically destroyed. Companies will file bankruptcy Think Tanks will come to the decision that viruses are here to stay and the human factor of susceptibility will weigh heavily on decisions made for future rebuilding of economies and businesses. The use of AI and Robotics will expolde as in other crises the use of automation will experience exponential growth replacing the vulnerable human factor. Tech Giants will take charge of many aspects of your life. Citizenry will become more dependent on the Government and AI. VIRUS The Genesis of a New World.
The CIA has recently verified the release of the virus by the Chinese Lab, thus supporting this horrendous act. Read about it here.
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